Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations with three years of data from the full sky


In 2013, IceCube reported its first measurement of the neutrino oscillation parameters. This was the first time that neutrino oscillations were measured with precision at energies above 10 GeV. A year later, the collaboration presented a second analysis with three years of data that improved the precision by a factor of ten. The IceCube Collaboration has now published in Physical Review Letters a new measurement of the oscillation parameters that for the first time uses neutrinos from the full sky. These results are competitive with the best measurements to date.

+ Info: “Measurement of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations at 6-56 GeV with IceCube DeepCore,” IceCube Collaboration: M. G. Aartsen et al., Physical Review Letters 120, 071801 (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.071801

See also the paper on arXiv.

Data release

Suggested citation for this dataset:

IceCube Collaboration (2018): Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations with three years of data from the full sky. IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Dataset.
DOI: 10.21234/B4105H.

Click here to download (.zip, 140KB).

Included in the download are the following files:

  • chi2_map_NH – Δχ2 maps in 2D (Δm232, sin223)) for normal mass ordering, provided in 3 different formats (.dat, .pckl, and .root)
  • chi2_map_IH – Δχ2 maps in 2D (Δm232, sin223)) for inverted mass ordering, provided in 3 different formats (.dat, .pckl, and .root)
    The .dat files contain the value of Δm232 in eV2 (labeled “dm32”), the value of sin223) (labeled “sin^2(theta23)”), and the corresponding Δχ2 (labeled “DeltaChi2”). Δχ2 maps are defined relative to the best fit of each hierarchy in isolation.
    The .pckl files contain a dictionary with keys “dm32”, “sin2_theta23”, and “delta_chi2”.
    The .root files contain a tree named chi2_map with branches that have the same names as in the .pckl files.
  • contours.png – Example of the 90% CL contour from this data release (dark green and labeled “IC2017 without FC [NH]”) compared to that published in PRL (burnt orange and labeled “IC2017 FC [NH]”). The first is drawn using a constant Δχ2 value of 4.6 while the second was derived using the Feldman-Cousins approach.
  • IC2017_90CL_FC.dat – 90% CL contours obtained using the Feldman-Cousins approach. The first column has the values of sin223) while the second column contain the values of Δm232 in units of 10-3 eV2.
  • README – provides information about this release.

Additional information will be provided as follow-up data analyses are completed by the IceCube Collaboration.

For any questions about this data release, please write to