“Adventures with Rosie & Gibbs: the lost penguins”
The “Rosie & Gibbs” comics were created to introduce astrophysics and Antarctic science to young audiences. Rosie and Gibbs are two penguins that get lost and end up at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. Even though the South Pole is far, very far, from fresh water or any other natural resources—no animals or plant life exist for hundreds of miles—they find out that a few souls do live there, among them the team that takes care of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
Rosie and Gibbs become “IceCubers” and learn more about Antarctica and the science going on there. Each issue explains an adventure, from the first trip the two penguins take from Antarctica’s coast to the South Pole to the day when they decide they need to go back.
Check out the comics in English and ten other languages here.

TED-Ed Lesson: “Why Neutrinos Matter”
Get lost in the enchanting animations that TED-Ed has become known for…while also learning about IceCube! “Why Neutrinos Matter” gives a summary of “ghost” particles and how IceCube is working to detect them.
Check out the lesson on the TED-Ed website here.

Masterclass Particle Quiz
IceCube detects not only neutrinos but other particles, too, like muons produced by the interaction of cosmic rays with Earth’s atmosphere. In fact, 1,000,000 muons are detected by IceCube for every neutrino that it detects.
Particles are observed only indirectly by IceCube, through observations of light generated by particle interactions in or near the detector. These interactions produce charged particles that travel faster than light in ice, creating “Cherenkov radiation”—like a sonic boom, but with light.
As the Cherenkov cone flies through the detector, it triggers IceCube’s in-ice sensors, resulting in a distinctive pattern called an “event.” The colors and shape of the event tell researchers about the neutrino’s direction and energy.
In this quiz, you will learn about the different types of particles IceCube can see by identifying different events.
In this quiz, you’ll learn about the veto event selection used in the IceCube analysis to select very high energy neutrinos.

“Chasing the Ghost Particle” Planetarium Show
This 30-minute fulldome planetarium show was produced in a partnership between the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center and the Daniel M. Soref Planetarium at the Milwaukee Public Museum in 2013. Stunning simulations of the most energetic places in our universe—and the galaxies around us—prelude a thrilling journey inside IceCube, looking for traces of neutrino collisions in the ice. From one of the most remote locations on Earth to the unexplored regions of the cosmos, Chasing the Ghost Particle: From the South Pole to the Edge of the Universe will take you on a journey you won’t soon forget.
Download the flatscreen version, watch the trailer, and find out how to bring this show to a planetarium near you by visiting the Chasing the Ghost Particle page on the WIPAC website.
Printable IceCube Crafts
Get crafty with some printable do-it-yourself IceCube projects!

Coloring Pages
Pull out your favorite crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paint and bring these IceCube-themed coloring pages to life! Choose from the IceCube Laboratory, a black hole, a blazar, Rosie & Gibbs, and our multimessenger stained glass windows. Fun for all ages.
Print them here.

Valentine’s Day Cards
It comes around every February, but how many times have you been left scratching your head to come up with the right card? Well, look no further—IceCube has you covered! With geeky, punny, and PG-rated options, you’re sure to find one that fits.
Check them out here.

Pumpkin Stencils
What’s missing from your Halloween celebration? Some IceCube-themed pumpkins, probably. Never fear! We are providing you with a variety of stencils to use in your Halloween décor. Choose from our logo, the IceCube Lab, or one of the ghostly particles themselves. Better yet, make all six!
Be sure to share your creations with us on social media by tagging us and using the hashtag #IceCubePumpkins.
Find the stencils here.

Paper Snowflake Patterns
When the weather outside is frightful, take out your scissors and print out a few IceCube snowflake patterns! With designs that include the IceCube Laboratory, a DOM, Rosie & Gibbs, and even our PI, Francis Halzen, these snowflakes will make any home, classroom, or office festive. No snow required!
Find the patterns here.