
First field season for IceCube Upgrade ongoing at the South Pole

A view of the seasonal equipment site from the first field season for the IceCube Upgrade. Image: Kurt Studt, IceCube/NSF


Neutrinos (blue sky map) in front of an artist’s impression of the Milky Way.

Neutrinos (blue sky map) in front of an artist’s impression of the Milky Way. Image credit: IceCube Collaboration/Science Communication Lab for CRC 1491


#IceCube10 – Celebrating 10 Years of IceCube

#IceCube10 – Celebrating 10 Years of IceCube


IceCube Explained

What exactly is IceCube? How does it use the South Pole ice to see neutrinos from outer space? Image: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF


Research Highlights

From neutrino physics to glaciology to dark matter, IceCube science spans a variety of fields.


Meet the Collaboration

The IceCube Collaboration includes hundreds of people from around the world. Image: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF


Activities and Resources

Learn more about IceCube by playing a game, making crafts, or reading our comic!


Working at the Pole

IceCube science begins at the South Pole. Image: Yuya Makino, IceCube/NSF

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Meet IceCube’s 2024-2025 winterovers, Joe and Ilya!
By Alisa King-Klemperer | | Collaboration |
The time has come for our current winterovers, Connor and Kalvin, to pass the torch to the new winterovers that arrived at the South Pole in early November. As a winterover, individuals brave the unforgiving environment to spend a year—sometimes longer—at the South Pole, half of which is enveloped in [...]

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Download IceCube’s 2025 calendar!
By Staff | | Outreach |
It's almost the new year, which means it's time for the 2025 IceCube Calendar! Featuring breathtaking photos taken by our winterovers from the past few years, this calendar will teach you something new about the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the South Pole every month. The calendar is available to download in [...]

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Week 48 at the Pole
By Jean DeMerit | | Life at the Pole |
Last week at the Pole there was a mix of activities. First up was a short visit from a small group of NSF personnel and Congressional staffers. They arrived on a small plane and spent several hours at the Pole—with a tour of the B2 science lab, several presentations, and [...]

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