In a paper submitted to Physical Review Letters, the IceCube Collaboration confirms highest energy neutrinos ever observed. […]
IceCube reveals interesting high-energy neutrino events
From its vantage point at the geographic South Pole in Antarctica, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory is uniquely positioned to see neutrinos—mysterious, nearly massless, difficult-to-detect particles that are plentiful but little understood. […]
IceCube DeepCore oscillations
Cosmic Rays: 100 years of mystery
Using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, astrophysicists Nathan Whitehorn and Pete Redl searched for neutrinos coming from the direction of known GRBs. And they found nothing.
Their result, appearing today in the journal Nature, challenges one of the two leading theories for the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. […]
Today in Nature: Results of the GRB neutrino search
Although cosmic rays were discovered 100 years ago, their origin remains one of the most enduring mysteries in physics. Now, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a massive detector in Antarctica, is honing in on how the highest energy cosmic rays are produced. […]
The Search for Dark Matter
The IceCube collaboration published a paper entitled “Search for dark matter from the Galactic halo with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope,” detailing the collaboration’s search for Dark Matter with IceCube. […]
Nature reviews an IceCube publication on Gamma Ray Bursts
Nature writer Dieter H. Hartmann sums up the absence of evidence of neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts as detailed in an IceCube publication in Physical Review of Letters. […]
The vanishing antineutrino
Researcher William C. Lewis discusses observed differences between neutrino and antineutrino disappearance, what that might mean for our understanding of th Universe, and the role IceCube can play in discovering an answer […]
Inside the Fukushima hot zone
IceCube collaborator and Japanese resident Shigeru Yoshida took advantage of an opportunity to help out his country by volunteering to scan residents after they spent time inside the Fukushima hot zone gathering belongings from their hastily evacuated homes. His first hand account of the area after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake compromised the nuclear power plant on March 11 is below. […]
Forschung in der Unterwelt, “Research Underground”
This German-language publication covers the IceCube project and other neutrino detection experiments, with quotes from IceCube collaborator Christian Spiering (DESY) and advisory board member Uli Katz (U. of Erlangen). […]