Week 32 at the Pole

It was a relatively quiet week at the Pole, with most of the action outside. IceCube winterover Martin captured a nice shot of the moon, with halo and moon dogs, over the Dark Sector. You can discern a faint glow along the horizon of an impending sunrise. […]

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Week 31 at the Pole

No, not yet—that’s the moon, not the sun. But so bright, one would be forgiven for mistaking it for the sun. Not only is this full moon bright, but it’s sporting a nice clear halo, too, providing an excellent backdrop for a shot of the IceCube Lab. […]

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Week 30 at the Pole

A fairly laid back week, all things considered. The moon was rising, and IceCube winterover Martin focused his camera outside on some snowed-in heavy machinery. Looks like quite a covering for a place that hardly sees any snowfall. […]

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Week 29 at the Pole

Last week at the Pole, life for the IceCube winterovers was bookended by a very busy beginning and a fun and lighthearted ending. For the first few days, they had to contend with some detector issues arising from run transitions and test runs performed, but all went well. By the end of the week, they were celebrating Christmas in July. […]

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Week 28 at the Pole

The sun will rise again … at some point. But in the meanwhile, it’s still winter and the skies remain dark. A bright moon had been lighting things up lately, but last week it was gone, leaving it up to the auroras to provide the overhead entertainment. […]

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IceCube at ICRC 2017

The International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC, closed yesterday in Busan, Korea, after almost ten days of exciting science on astroparticle physics topics, including several highlighted talks and updates from IceCube and even a few awards to IceCube collaborators. […]

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Week 27 at the Pole

Although the poker tournament continues, last week’s focus was all about the Games—the South Pole Winter Games, where they had actual medals, a closing ceremony, and even an Olympic flame. […]

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