IceCube has roots in Antarctica dating back to the early 1990s. This album shows the progression of the project from AMANDA to completion of IceCube construction, with a few milestones in between. […]
Antarctic Animals
Antarctica — home to ice, penguins, researchers, and…what else is there? See a few of the animals that call Antarctica home. […]
Astrophysical neutrino flux with starting track events
This album holds images from the paper “Evidence for High-Energy Extraterrestrial Neutrinos at the IceCube Detector,” published in Science (link). […]
Landscapes and Skyscapes
Although Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, and driest place on Earth, it is beautiful! See some of the beauty from the warmth of your own home. […]
Two people each year stay at the South Pole to maintain IceCube during the winter months when it isn’t possible to leave. They are known as winterovers. They work very hard and have some fun as well. […]
Education and Outreach
IceCube attends and hosts many education and outreach events each year. Here are photos from a few some of our past events. […]
NSF approves funding for IceCube Upgrade
This album supports the announcement that the National Science Foundation (NSF) has approved full funding of the IceCube Upgrade project, setting off the first extension of the IceCube detector. Find the press release here. […]
In Science: IceCube Neutrinos Point to Long-Sought Cosmic Ray Accelerator
This album supports the announcement by the IceCube Collaboration together with other observatories around the world and in space of the identification of the first likely source of high-energy neutrinos and comic rays. The results are published in two papers in Science. Find the press release here. […]
Measuring the Neutrino Cross Section with Earth Absorption
This album has been created to be distributed with the publication in Nature of a paper by the IceCube Collaboration about the measurement of the neutrino cross section with Earth absorption. Read the news on the IceCube website. […]