The IceCube Collaboration is pleased to announce participation in the upcoming 25th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics June 3-9, 2012 in Kyoto, Japan. The conference, known as “Neutrino 2012,” is a premiere international meeting covering neutrino physics, current and future detection technology, and neutrino beams.
IceCube principal investigator Francis Halzen will chair the Experimental Neutrino Astronomy session on Friday, June 8th. The following IceCube collaboration members will give talks during the session:
IceCube spokesperson Greg Sullivan, University of Maryland, will cover “IceCube: Diffuse neutrinos from GRB/AGN”; Aya Ishihara, Chiba University, “IceCube: Ultra high energy neutrinos”; Albrecht Karle, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “A review of future experiments”; and Markus Ahlers, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Neutrinos as a probe of ultra-high energy cosmic rays.”
Carsten Rott from the Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics at Ohio State University will present “A review of indirect WIMP search experiments” during the dark matter session on Saturday, June 9.
IceCube Collaboration members will also be in attendance to present posters, including topics such as the search for dark matter, neutrino oscillations, high energy neutrino point sources, neutrino radiography, supernova detection, and possible IceCube extension.
A comprehensive list of poster presentations includes:
Poster session 1, Monday, June 4th
- “Neutrino radiography with IceCube Neutrino Observatory” by Kotoyo Hoshina and Hiroyuki Tanaka
- “Searches for neutrinos from GRBs with IceCube” by Erik Blaufuss
- “Supernova detection with IceCube and beyond” by Ronald Bruijn
- “Atmospheric neutrino oscillations with IceCube/DeepCore” by Andreas Gross
- “Search for secluded dark matter with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope” by Jonathon Miller
Poster session 2, Tuesday, June 5th
- “Search for neutrinos from the galactic plane and other astrophysical extended sources with IceCube” by Naoko Kurashashi Neilson
- “Extending IceCube DeepCore with PINGU” by Darren Grant and Elisa Resconi
- “Towards an extragalactic supernova neutrino detector at the South Pole” by Markus Voge, Nora-Lynn Strotjohann, Sebastian Boeser, and Marek Kowalski
- “Search for dark matter captured in the sun with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory” by Matthias Danninger, Carston Rott, and Erik Strahler
Poster session 3, Friday, June 8th
- “A search for the extremely high energy cosmogenic neutrinos with the IceCube 2010-2011 data” by Keiichi Mase
- “Search for dark matter in galactic and extragalactic halos” by Carston Rott, Martin Bissok, and Jan LĂĽnemann
- “Search for high energy neutrino point sources with IceCube” by Sirin Odrowski
For more information about the conference, visit