Week 23 at the Pole

A quiet week at the Pole—but that doesn’t mean that nothing happened. First of all, look at that sky! Lots of stars and swirling auroras, but also a bright rising moon make for a very picturesque setting. […]

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Week 22 at the Pole

Since the moon was down last week, many winterovers—including IceCube’s—were outside braving the (extreme) cold, looking to catch some good shots of the Milky Way or the aurora australis, also known as the southern lights. […]

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Week 21 at the Pole

A bright swath of auroras extending low across the sky with a clear view of the Milky Way above—what more could one want (except perhaps to see it in person)? Well, those who winterover at the South Pole station count themselves among the lucky ones. […]

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Week 20 at the Pole

How does slow equal fast? Well, apparently for fire rescue teams, slow mean smooth, and smooth means fast. Last week, the teams competed for time in donning their gear and saving colleagues from across the gym. […]

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Week 18 at the Pole

IceCube’s winterovers just sat down to take in the view after finishing up some outdoor IceAct snow accumulation measurements. It was a view worth sitting down for. But for a relatively quiet week at the Pole, they still found themselves with plenty to do. […]

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2019 IceCube Impact Awards recognize IceCubers’ efforts in detector performance

The third edition of the IceCube Impact Awards was celebrated during the banquet dinner of the spring collaboration meeting last week in Madison. The awardees for this meeting are Joshua Wood of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Tessa Carver of the University of Geneva, and Michael Larson of the University of Copenhagen, and the legacy award goes to Chris Weaver for his long-term contributions as a PhD candidate at UW–Madison and later as a postdoc at the University of Alberta. […]

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Week 16 at the Pole

The extreme environment of the South Pole poses numerous challenges for those who work there, especially during the winter. One difficulty is simply dealing with things that break. You can’t just order a replacement online. […]

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Week 15 at the Pole

It’s not the first aurora of the season, but it is the first one to be captured on camera by IceCube winterover Kathrin—a pretty, swirling aurora along the horizon, with a bright moon illuminating the icy surface from above. […]

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