Searching for neutrino emission from 11 LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave sources

While we have seen neutrinos and electromagnetic radiation with a common origin, researchers have yet to detect neutrinos and gravitational waves coming from the same place. So the IceCube Collaboration recently performed an analysis to look for neutrino emission that correlates with gravitational waves detected by the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations during their first two observing runs, O1 and O2. Their results are described in a paper published today in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. No coincidence was found, but the researchers are already at work on further analyses. […]

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Sun’s shadow on IceCube shines light on solar magnetic field

The IceCube Collaboration recently performed an analysis to try to expand our understanding of the solar magnetic field by studying the time-dependent cosmic-ray Sun shadow. They also wanted to explore how the cosmic-ray Sun shadow changes at different energy regimes. The results, recently submitted to Physical Review D, show that more solar activity leads to a weaker Sun shadow. There were also indications that, in times of high solar activity, the shadow becomes stronger at higher energies—a hint at Sun-shadow energy dependence that will be explored more in future studies. […]

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Machine-learning method allows IceCube to study cosmic rays at new-low energies

IceCube has found a way to detect cosmic rays of lower energies previously unreachable by IceTop. In a paper submitted to Physical Review D, “Cosmic Ray Spectrum from 250 TeV to 10 PeV using IceTop,” the IceCube Collaboration explains how they implemented a new two-station trigger as well as the machine-learning method developed to analyze these events […]

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