Off the ice: a Q&A with our 2018-19 winterovers, Kathrin and Benjamin

Our winterovers for the 2018-2019 season, Kathrin Mallot and Benjamin Eberhardt, returned from Antarctica last November. Now that they’ve had a couple of months to relax and readjust to life “up north,” we asked them to reflect upon their recent experience at the South Pole. Read our Q&A to find out what they missed the most, what they learned while they were there, and other things they shared about their adventure. […]

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Week 1 at the Pole

Ah, penguins! Who doesn’t love them? Both of IceCube’s winterovers got to view and photograph penguins recently, but not at the South Pole—no animals can survive the extreme cold temperatures of the Pole. […]

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Week 49 at the Pole

Why are the winterovers playing chess out on the ice? The answer might just be a question itself—why not? Yes, it’s cold outside…but you just can’t let the weather get in your way. […]

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Week 48 at the Pole

Last week, long-awaited cargo arrived, and just as exciting, the South Pole traverse also showed up. The traverse travels overland to bring fuel to the Pole that would otherwise need to be flown in. […]

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Week 46 at the Pole

Since it’s summer at the Pole, more people are arriving than leaving. However, last week two people departed who had been at the Pole for an extended time—yes, we’re talking about Benjamin Eberhardt and Kathrin Mallot, IceCube’s winterovers for the past year, shown here among the red parkas walking toward the plane above. […]

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