Photographs, Images, and Multimedia
Unless otherwise stated, images and other media in the IceCube multimedia gallery are available for use in print and electronic material by the IceCube Collaboration members and institutions, NSF staff, staff from other funding agencies that have contributed to this project, members of the media, university staff, teachers and the general public. All media in the gallery are intended for personal, educational, informational and nonprofit/noncommercial use only.
Any media used in the gallery must be credited as per the accompanying caption. It is a condition of the gallery that anyone using resources from the gallery must include the credit information that accompanies the media.
Granting the right to use media from the IceCube multimedia gallery does not explicitly or implicitly convey the IceCube Collaboration’s endorsement of the site or document in which the media is used nor of the entity using it.
Works, licenses or other galleries using media from this gallery, either original or adaptations, should be released under the same conditions.
Press Guidelines
For inquiries about graphics, images, and interviews, please contact For urgent inquiries, please call 608-515-3831.
Based on NSF Multimedia Gallery