Week 5 at the Pole

A white rainbow (or fogbow) on the horizon at the South Pole, with a person walking ahead in the distance.
Joe Baines-Holmes, IceCube/NSF

A white rainbow? Well, yes—it’s also called a fogbow! Fogbows are rarer than rainbows, and guess what—they’re sometimes referred to as “ghost rainbows.” Sound familiar? More and more summer personnel were leaving the Pole last week, as final touches were put in place to winterize IceCube Upgrade equipment.

Three people in red parkas posing in front of large hose reel.
Joe Baines-Holmes, IceCube/NSF
Snow vehicle pulling large tower structure behind it on the ice, IceCube Lab very small on the distant horizon.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF