Week 47 at the Pole

IceCube Lab under clear blue skies.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF

It was on the quiet side last week at the Pole. Weather and other delays kept incoming flights to a minimum. Only one LC-130 flight arrived last week, and unfortunately it was not carrying any IceCube cargo, which added to the quietness of the week for IceCube’s summer staff currently at the Pole. Still, there’s always work to be done and other activities at the station. And although the weather was an issue for air travel, IceCube winterover Ilya was still able to take some nice photos outdoors under clear skies. Notice anything missing in the photo above of the IceCube Lab compared to a few weeks back? The images below show views of refueling the LC-130 and the site for drilling equipment for the IceCube Upgrade out on the ice.

Cargo being taken away from a C-130 LC with fuelies carrying a fuel line.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF
Drilling equipment for the IceCube Upgrade out on the ice.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF