The South Pole station remains a busy place these days. Last week saw lots of activity for IceCube’s winterovers and summer crew, from unpacking cargo and upgrading equipment at the IceCube Lab (ICL) to continued ERT training as well as multiple seasonal celebrations. Festivities included a summer solstice observance, a karaoke/talent show, and a special Christmas dinner. On the menu was seared duck breast, butternut squash, Yorkshire pudding, and a host of desserts (but, alas, no photos! Maybe they were too busy eating?). Art was also in the mix last week with two separate undertakings. An official plaque was installed on the roof of the ICL commemorating the role of IceCube and the South Pole in the Aganta Kairos project, which was carried out a few years back. IceCube’s winterovers also spent some time filming outdoors in contribution to an upcoming Canadian documentary film about neutrino detectors in different parts of the world.