Week 41 at the Pole

Winterover in red parka shoveling thick snow on deck of the IceCube Lab.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF

Oh, we thought they were done clearing snow. Guess not—look at all that accumulation still on the front deck of the IceCube Lab. A few hours later, though, and most of it is gone. Phew! The IceCube detector was quiet last week, but IceCube’s winterovers kept themselves busy. Besides shoveling snow, they replaced outdoor flags damaged over the winter, helped with various preparations for station opening, and (drum roll) launched weather balloons. This week we have a composite image of the launch, nice!

Winterover in red parka standing on deck of the IceCube Lab after clearing off accumulated snow.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF
Sharp edges of sastrugi in early light from sunrise at the South Pole, Dark Sector buildings in far background.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF
Composite image of winterover in red parka launching a weather balloon under bright sun.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF