Our winterovers, John and Yuya, are now more than halfway through their year at the South Pole. In June, they celebrated midwinter, and every day they get closer to seeing the sun again. In between coding projects, learning how to play chess, and lots of incredible photography, John and Yuya have done remote outreach activities with a number of groups around the world.
Together, John and Yuya have reached hundreds of people through virtual talks and presentations, including the following:
- six public webcasts, a few of which are available on our YouTube channel, including a “Kids’ Edition” with Jargie the Science Girl
- Astronomy on Tap for the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics & Astronomy
- a live Q&A with a school group in Tennessee
- an astrophysics talk at the MOBSTER-1 virtual conference
- a shout-out at SciAccess 2020 – the Science Accessibility Conference, organized by The Ohio State University
- two live calls to two schools in Japan.
John wrote a “Letter to the Editor” of Physics Magazine for their COVID-19 series. Read it here.
Since austral winter began, Yuya has contributed monthly columns to a Japanese newspaper, the Chunichi Shimbun. He also wrote an article that will be on the cover of the September issue of the Physical Society of Japan’s magazine .
If you would like to organize a free virtual visit from John and Yuya to your conference or classroom, please email learn@icecube.wisc.edu.