Jigsaw puzzles are fun, but the fun is in the putting together. Once that’s done, then what? Well, instead of taking it apart right away, you could just leave it—apparently it serves as a nice base for holding sizeable LEGO creations. This model looks to be of London’s Tower Bridge, but perhaps someone should talk to the LEGO folks about designing one for the ICL (the IceCube Lab). Wouldn’t that be fun?
Regarding work, last week the winterovers dealt with miscellaneous issues from a very brief power outage, performed some monthly and bi-monthly power cycle maintenance tasks, did some debugging of the Swedish camera, and added components to a prototype being tested known as IceACT. The photo below shows IceACT outside on top of the ICL. The photo is a little dark, but you can see that there’s in a mark in the snow on its side, left there from winterover Mack walking right into it. Must have been even darker then.