Last week marked the end of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, the largest conference in the world for cosmic ray physics. This year, the entire conference was hosted virtually, which allowed more people from an expanded geographic range to attend; there were approximately 1,800 participants from 55 countries who contributed around 1,350 papers. It was also the first two-week ICRC since 1997.
The IceCube Collaboration was well represented at this ICRC; collaborators submitted a total of 85 contributions (37 talks and 48 posters), including two highlight talks: “Searching for Dark Matter from the Sun with Ten Years of IceCube” by Jeff Lazar and “IceCube-Gen2: The Window to the Extreme Universe” by Albrecht Karle and Marek Kowalski. A full list of contributions and links to proceedings can be found here.
During the conference, multiple IceCube collaborators were honored with various accolades. At the opening ceremony on July 12, the 2021 Homi Bhabha Medal and Prize was awarded to Francis Halzen, principal investigator of IceCube, and a 2021 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Astroparticle Physics was given to Carlos A. Argüelles-Delgado, Harvard physics professor. During the closing ceremony on July 23, IceCube collaborator Konstancija Satalecka won the ICRC award for best contributed talk.
ICRC is organized biennially by the Commission on Astroparticle Physics (C4), established in 1947, of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The 38th ICRC is scheduled to take place in July 2023 in Osaka, Japan.