The results of the eleventh edition of the IceCube Impact Awards were announced today during IceCube’s spring collaboration meeting dinner in Münster, Germany. During the ceremony, IceCube spokesperson Ignacio Taboada gave each recipient a certificate and mug to commemorate their achievements while those who could not attend joined virtually. The awardees are Lasse Halve (RWTH Aachen University); Massimiliano Lincetto (University of Würzburg/DESY); Nora Valtonen-Mattila (Uppsala University); and Erik Ganster (RWTH Aachen University) and Richard Naab (DESY), recipients of the Group Impact Award.

The IceCube Impact Awards, established in 2018, recognize broad and significant contributions to IceCube that are normally not acknowledged through its scientific publications. The award is split into the following three categories: individual, legacy, and group awards. The 2024 awardees and their contributions are highlighted below:
The 2024 IceCube Individual Impact Awards
Lasse Halve
For key contributions to D-Egg and mDOM PMT testing with significant impact on optical module production for the IceCube Upgrade.
Massimiliano Lincetto
For exceptional support and improvements to two real-time software projects: SkyMist and Skymap Scanner.
Nora Valtonen-Mattila
For significant contributions to supernova monitoring operations, including the readout of HitSpool data in response to supernova alerts and introducing a novel application of the supernova data acquisition system.
The 2024 IceCube Group Impact Award
Erik Ganster and Richard Naab
For leadership in enabling and supporting a wider use of the NNMFit analysis software tool in the collaboration.