The results of the ninth edition of the IceCube Impact Awards were announced this week at IceCube’s spring collaboration meeting in Brussels, Belgium. During the ceremony, IceCube spokesperson Ignacio Taboada gave each recipient a certificate and mug to commemorate their achievements. The awardees are Jessie Micallef (Michigan State University), Thomas McElroy (University of Alberta), Tianlu Yuan (University of Wisconsin–Madison), and Serap Tilav (Bartol Research Institute at the University of Delaware), who is the recipient of the IceCube Legacy Impact Award.

The IceCube Impact Awards, established in 2018, recognize broad and significant contributions to IceCube that are normally not acknowledged through its scientific publications. The award is split into the following three categories: individual, legacy, and group awards. The 2022 awardees and their contributions are highlighted below:
The 2022 IceCube Individual Impact Awards
Jessie Micallef
For developments and application of neural networks for DeepCore studies, and for sustained contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion.
Thomas McElroy
For outstanding efforts on improving calibration and documentation of the effective optical module efficiency — a key systematic uncertainty in IceCube.
Tianlu Yuan
For continuing efforts to improve simulation, reconstruction and the understanding of systematic uncertainties in IceCube.

The 2022 IceCube Legacy Impact Award
Serap Tilav
For longstanding and outstanding contributions to all aspects of IceTop, and for being an invaluable resource for students, postdocs and other collaboration members.