A bright sun and clear skies were just the ticket for capturing this image of the IceCube Lab (ICL) at the South Pole last week. The photo was actually taken at 3:00 am! Athough the sun’s out all the time now, that early hour happened to be ideal for outdoor lighting conditions. This summer is […]
Life at the Pole
Week 1 at the Pole
The new year started off on a quiet note at the South Pole. Last week, with a well-behaved IceCube detector and many holiday celebrations behind them, the winterover crew enjoyed a relatively quiet week, with some nice weather and perhaps a little more free time on their hands. They spent some of that time continuing […]
Week 52 at the Pole
Everyone at the South Pole station congregated outside last week for a nice holiday group photo. While the temperatures at the Pole are normally their warmest in December and January, it was still cold out there. Hard to tell from the photo as there are plenty of folks not wearing hats and a few here […]
Week 51 at the Pole
The South Pole station remains a busy place these days. Last week saw lots of activity for IceCube’s winterovers and summer crew, from unpacking cargo and upgrading equipment at the IceCube Lab (ICL) to continued ERT training as well as multiple seasonal celebrations. Festivities included a summer solstice observance, a karaoke/talent show, and a special […]
Week 50 at the Pole
What a busy week! IceCube’s winterovers did some housecleaning and equipment testing at the IceCube Lab, had continued ERT training (including handling patients and doing X-rays in the clinic), and gave a presentation on IceCube to a packed galley for the station’s Thursday Night Science Lecture. Last week also saw the long-awaited arrival of the […]
Week 49 at the Pole
Winterovers at the South Pole are subjected to lots of training—some of it is in preparation before they reach the Pole but much of it is while they’re on site. It’s a small community that winters over at the South Pole, and they are essentially isolated from the rest of the world throughout the dark […]
Week 48 at the Pole
There was plenty of activity last week at the Pole. IceCube’s winterovers attended a presentation by the Antarctic operations manager, did some maintenance tasks out at the IceCube Lab, and participated in ERT training, which involved a staged explosion in the generator room as a prompt for a mass casualty incident drill. The winterovers received […]
Week 47 at the Pole
Last week at the Pole, IceCube’s new winterovers had occasion to visit the IceCube Lab, a short trek from the main station. That’s Kalvin testing out a pair of cross country skis while he was there. It was a busy week, though, with multiple outings to take snow depth measurements and extend stakes where needed. […]
Week 46 at the Pole
It’s summer at the Pole, with new people coming and other folks leaving. IceCube’s new winterovers, Connor and Kalvin, are settling in well. They spent time with the previous winterovers on turnover training, which included a trip out to the IceCube Lab, and the IceCube detector remained quiet and well behaved for their introductory week. […]
Meet IceCube’s 2023-2024 winterovers, Connor and Kalvin!
The time has come for our current winterovers, Marc and Hrvoje, to pass the torch to the new winterovers that arrived at the South Pole last week. As a winterover, individuals brave the unforgiving environment to spend a year—sometimes longer—at the South Pole, half of which is enveloped in complete darkness. Every year, two winterovers […]