They’re back! The planes, that is—and the people. It happens every year. Last week marked the arrival of the first Basler plane bringing passengers to the South Pole for the season. That makes the station officially open for summer. Fourteen people arrived to the Pole, bringing 200 pounds of fresh produce along with them, and […]
Life at the Pole
Week 42 at the Pole
More incoming flights means more freshies! They get pretty excited at the Pole for almost any kind of fresh fruit or vegetable after going all winter without. Last week, in addition to the standard apples and oranges, the station was treated to pineapple, avocados, and garlic! Another activity that signals the start of summer season […]
Week 41 at the Pole
Last week was time for a group photo! The sun is up now, so you can take photos of things outdoors other than the sky (not that the winter sky isn’t glorious). Plus, one of the planes that had arrived the previous week served as a nice backdrop for a photo shoot before it returned […]
Week 40 at the Pole
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s…no, wait, it is a plane. The first planes of the season have arrived at the Pole. These were early season flights, as the continent begins to prepare for summer. Two twin otters brought not only a very welcome supply of “freshies” but also the first fresh faces they’ve […]
Week 39 at the Pole
All around the South Pole, flags are used as markers—they can designate pathways or identify spots where equipment is buried below the surface. They’re especially important in winter to avoid getting lost in the dark when the already cold temperatures are at their coldest. But even in daylight, windy conditions at the Pole can dramatically […]
Week 38 at the Pole
Finally, the sun has officially risen at the South Pole. It’s manifesting in some beautiful soft colors along the horizon in this image of the flags at the ceremonial South Pole. These flags represent the twelve original signatories of the Antarctic Treaty. And exposed as they are to the harsh elements all year long, they […]
Week 37 at the Pole
Snow at the Pole—in winter, it’s a lot like dirt swept under the rug. You know it’s there but you can’t really see it. Then, the sun starts to come up and, lo and behold, you see the large snowdrifts everywhere. Much of this snow will need to be cleared before activities of the summer […]
Week 36 at the Pole
You might think that the IceCube Lab, looking so impressive in the photo above just before sunrise, was the highlight of last week at the Pole. But for the station’s winterovers, it was a video conference interview with astronaut Christina Koch that really got folks thrilled. Christina is no stranger to the South Pole. Prior […]
Week 35 at the Pole
The South Pole sunrise is still not official, but tell that to the sky! It is definitely getting bright outside. Bright enough for a group to gather for a photo op at the ceremonial Pole. It looks like they’re waving, essentially saying “goodbye” to the long winter night. Things were mostly quiet last week at the […]
Week 34 at the Pole
It’s that time of year again, when the sun rises at the South Pole. That’s right, time of year, singular, since the sun rises just one time over the course of a year. And it happens ever so slowly. They’re in a period of twilight these days—nautical twilight, to be specific, when the sun is […]