James Bellinger IceCube Pages

Physics/Math notes

See my main physics home pages for other information

What do you get when using a finite group as the base for a "vector space?" A group algebra. J.Math.Phys.38:3414-3426,1997 attempted to model preon interactions as a finite group and looked at the resulting continuous symmetries. Notes are here and there is also a followup note with some simple solutions and findings. While the transformations are interesting, they probably don't have physics applications--you don't get any of the interesting continuous symmetries if the base finite group is abelian. I'd be happy to be wrong about that.

A different approach to a straight line in a metric space

A presentation on elementary considerations when spacetime has two time dimensions. Originally in Star Office, so the equations are a little offcenter


Grad students should explain their theses to high school students


New projects are documented in the experiment's google-docs. These are for historical reference.

  1. sDST Archive creation Initial dumping and processing notes. Project is done. PFDST files are now created at the Pole--though sometimes re-created when a calibration bug is found.
  2. StorHouse studies Abandoned. It didn't have the performance we needed.
  3. Other HSM options Ignoring in favor of an offsite archive at NERSC.
  4. Simpana Retired. We are using AMANDA for backup now. It does not have as good performance, especially on restoration, but the price is right and it works well enough. AMANDA is being replaced by bareos, which is more mature, actively being maintained, and has better performance, and is far easier to restore files from. The price is also right.

    Veeam handles the VMWare.

    We use a homebrew database-dump rsync to an archive server for the mysql and mongodb and postgres databases.

  5. Tape Migration Ignoring in favor of an offsite archive at NERSC. Their center presumably handles media migration.
  6. Archiving Tools Replaced with new long-term-archive system (see github), which is in turn being rewritten after lessons learned from using it for a year.