Building DOM Software

(using the dom-ws make-based project)

Prequisites to building:

Checkout projects in a "work" directory (or whatever you'd like to call it). I'm calling mine "dommb-releases".

% cd dommb-releases
FIX ME % svn checkout dom-ws dom-fpga dom-cpld stf hal dom-loader iceboot configboot testdomapp

Set up the "dom-ws" build area:

% cd dom-ws
% make links
% make versions
% make pld-versions

You should now be ready to make individual applications or a release.hex from the dom-ws area.

Making a release.hex is a complicated build procedure, although this may get simpler with the bfd system. Alternatively, it is better practice to download an official release.hex from glacier:

% scp .
% tar xzvf DOM-MB-V01-02-03-bin-epxa10.tgz
% cd epxa10/bin
% gunzip release.hex.gz

Building individual applications is easier:

% make [iceboot|stfserv|menu|domapp]

Or to build all the applications, but not the release:

% make all