Viewing the 'persistent' corsika coincident muon gallery

These are corsika coincident events which pass some medium-tough quality cuts. These are the really bad guys. Here they pass the set of cuts:
Paraboloid Sigma < 3 deg
Ndir(-15,75)ns >= 5
gulliver 1-iter Zenith > 90 deg

These events are from IceSim 2.0, corsika dataset 630. They were processed using the level2 workspace and script available in svn:

You can read more about the level2 processing here:

In addition, I used this version of llh-map with the following script:

For each event, I give event statistics and 5 plots of the llh map but with different coordinates, projections, zoom levels, or draw options, following the layout of this table:

detector coords, whole sky detector coords (aitoff proj)
reco-centered coords, whole sky, limited color scale reco-centered coords, zoomed-in, limited color scale
reco-centered coords, zoomed-in and "lego2" Event Statistics

Clearly, there is some problem with my function for calculating the number of muons...

Click to enlarge.