Viewing the filter level1 Corsika Coincident-muon gallery

These events are Simulation-V02-00-10 dataset 630 IC22 Corsika coincident events, which pass ANY of the level1 physics filters, including minbias. The MC true statistics and MC true direction shown by the red marker are given by the MOST energetic muon. I still need to come up with a smart way to get the direction of both bundles of muons on the plot. For each event, I give event statistics and 5 plots of the llh map but with different coordinates, projections, zoom levels, or draw options, following the layout of this table:

detector coords, whole sky, full llh scale detector coords (aitoff proj)
reco-centered coords, whole sky, color llh scale is limited from min_llh to min_llh+6 reco-centered coords, zoomed-in, color llh scale is limited from min_llh to min_llh+6
reco-centered coords, zoomed-in and "lego2" Event Statistics

The reco info is given by gulliver, ipdfGConvolute with 8 iterations.

Click to enlarge.