
| Overview | How to trace photons | How to generate table | Notation to use the table |
| Example plots | Programs |


Following the discussion of last EHE meeting, Shigeru, Aya and I have been thinking about hundy raytrace simulator for flasher data. We have photonics tables, however, it doesn't provide any information about arrival direction of individual photons, which is one of the interesting topics for GOLDEN DOMs.
On the other hand, we don't need to cover 1 cubic kilometer volume, actually only a few hundred meter with one dimension(which is a distance from flasher to receiver DOM) would be enough.
The IceRayTrace is designed especially for this purpose, with following features.

How to trace photons

Once a photon is injected from the origin with a fixed direction (1, 0, 0), IceRayTrace began to simulates the scattering and absorption of the photon inside the user-defined bulk ice(for details about equations of scattering and absorption, see Ped's Ph-D thesis). Users can save "snap shot" of the traveling photon at any direct-distance from origin to arrival point of photon, which is represented as a sphere inside the fig1.
The number of shells and its individual radius can be set from outside of the module. Default number of shells are 11, radius from 100m to 150m with an interval of 5m.


How to generate table

Taking into account of future flexibility, the primary output of IceRayTrace stores just arrays of the photons. A short root script("Plot4D.C") converts these array into TH4D histograms. The script can merge numbers of primary output into one histogram.

For injected photon, practically there are only two geometric-parameters between initial status and arrival position. Distance, opening angle(theta) between initial direction and arrival position. Incoming direction at the arrival position would be important for study of angle acceptance: then two parameter should be took into account as incoming zenith and incoming azimuth.We need yet another axis for arrival timing: most important information to distinguish direct hits.

Among these five parameters, the geometric distance is easist to separate from others because we know exact distance between flasher and target DOM. Therefore the script generates one TH4D histogram per shell, then store (cos(theta), zenith, azimuth, time) as (x, y, z, t).
Obviously, each cos(theta) bin covers different volume, then another script "Normalize.C" normalizes the histogram with 1 / (2PI *rho) and add the normalized histogram into the output of Plot.C.


Notation to use the table

IceRayTrace provides only one-dimensional table. To save CPU time, it assumes only one fixed coordinate at arrival position. Therefore users must take care of coordinate transformation between the given coordinate and actual coordinates. Fig3 shows one example.


Example plots


Bin size

x-axis (costheta) 0.0001 (corresponds ~6m height around costheta = 1 at 125m distance)
y-axis (zenith) 10 degree
y-axis (azimuth) 10 degree

not normalized

Cluster around azimuth =0 and azimuth = 360 in CosTheta-Azimuth plots(center row) seems to be reasonable. See run.log.


normalized (probability under 1.0 are not plotted...)


hit timing (from TH4D)

left : 3D position & direction hist
right: timing histogram arrived at

  distance = 125m
  costheta = 0.995
  injection zenith = 90 deg
  injection azimuth = 180 deg



source code

How to compile


$ cd raytrace20060221/stand_alone/src
$ make install

If you are using MacOSX, you need to update gcc version 4.1.0 (to install, see here)

How to run