I3Geant Comparison with Atmospheric Muons

Ali R. Fazely, Samvel Ter-Antonyan, Xianwu Xu
Southern University, Baton Rougei LA

Alex Olivas (python interface software for Root n-tuples)
UMD, College Park MD


  • I3geant Simulation Comparison with Amospheric Muon data (IC-40)
  • Full Geant-3.21/GCALOR Simulation of the IceCube Detector. The AHA ice model was used.
  • The same MC also simulates Supernova events. Please click on the following link .Supernova Simulation

    Current Results for the IceCube Geometry (80 + 6). A total of 25,000 atmospheric muons were simulated.
  • Hit distribution and energy spectra for atmspheric muons illuminating the IceCube detector. In the left plot, the red line corresponds to the primary proton energy spectrum, the blue line corresponds to the muon energy spectrum at the IceTop level and the black line corresponds to the muon spectrum in the IceCube detector.


  • Time distribution in ns for two adjacent DOMs on the same string. Bule is I3Geant and red is the data (left).
  • Time distribution in ns for DOM and its next to the adjacent DOMs on the same string (right).


  • DOM Occupancy plot for I3Geant vs the Atmospheric Muon Data for IC-40. Red is the data and blue is I3Geant (left).
  • Number of strings per muon event distribution (right).


  • Distrubtion of number of DOM launches per muon event. Again red is the data and blue is I3Geant.


Last update 12.23.10