All Lepton Monte Carlo
Neutrino cross sections:

Events from atmospheric muon and electron neutrinos with energies above 10 TeV. Parameterized version uses more precise integration for table calculation than the non-parameterized, whose precision is insufficient for the statistics shown.

Replacing ice medium used by the propagator with rock and reducing ice density in the top 200 meters changes this distribution:

Neutrino flavor oscillations affect the zenith angle distribution of events which contain at least one muon inside the detector cylinder. Since latitude-dependent geomagnetic cutoff is not calculated, a fixed 10 GeV cutoff is applied.

Energy left inside the detector cylinder by neutrino-induced events:

A view of the almc applet producing events from tau neutrino E^(-2) isotropic spectrum, showing the "double-bang" event:

The following two plots show example views of the almc applet producing events from atmospheric neutrinos with energies above 10 TeV:

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