dCORSIKA Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can detector dimensions be changed after running handle.sh?
  2. How do i randomize the showers after the handle.sh script?
  3. Options -oms -tr=2 or -rr -corr in dcors.script?
  4. How do i perform xy or curved randomization?
  5. Some other question

Can detector dimensions be changed after running handle.sh?

Can detector dimensions be changed in the files produced with handle.sh?

Yes, as long as the ratio length/diameter of the detector stays the same as the value of the DETCFG flag of the INPUTS file recorded in the HIstory lines of the file. Only the ratio l/d is required to compute zenith angle flux CR flux distribution needed by corsika. This is why i recommend producing non-randomized files, which are compact in size and can be extended over larger (or smaller) detector, if necessary, oversampled (i usually use x10 with the flag -over=10, for mass01 if x100 is to be used, also -rphi flag should be used to enable azimuth angle randomization) or depth-corrected (with -DCORR=35 [m], per Paolo's correction).

How do i randomize the showers after the handle.sh script?

How do i randomize the showers after the handle.sh script?

You can randomize the shower core locations after the handle.sh run with

ucr -over=[1-100]
[-rphi to randomize azimuth angle, too]
-run=[run number, sets random number generator seed]
-SHOWERS=[number of generated showers]
-FLUXSUM=[corsika's value, recorded in the file]
-LENGTH=600 -RADIUS=300 -DEPTH=1730 -HEIGHT=2834
-EARTHR=6.4e6 -DCORR=35 -curved=4 -cutth=85
LENGTH/RADIUS must match the l/d (l/2r) value of the DETCFG flag in the INPUTS file of the run (recorded into the HIstory lines of the file produced by handle.sh). HEIGHT must be the same as the value of the OBSLEV flag in the INPUTS file.

Specify SHOWERS and FLUXSUM only if you would like to calculate the lifetime of the run. These numbers should be present in the HIstory lines of the file produced by handle.sh and are automatically appended by the dcors.script included with mass01.

For mass01 you would also want to use options -oms -tr=2 to remove all particles but primaries and muons since amasim will choke on almost any other type (e.g. neutrinos).

If big oversampling (e.g. x100) is to be used, add the "-rphi" flag to randomize shower core's azimuth angle as well as its coordinates. This will destroy the magnetic field influence, though.

Options -rr -corr or -oms -tr=2 in dcors.script?

If pre-generated dCORSIKA files are used with mass01, options -rr -corr are used with ucr in dcors.script, and if not, -oms -tr=2. What is the meaning of this ?

The files prepared with new handle.sh don't really need the "-rr" option (which removes previous xy randomization), because they are not randomized (since this option only can remove only xy i.e. flat, not curved randomization). The "-corr" is enabled automatically for the curved version (it transports the primary to the surface (which gives the location of the shower core) and shifts arriving times by a common value so that it is about 0 at the surface), so it is not needed, either. However, if instead of curved randomization xy is used, options "-rr -corr" must be used.

If FASTDIR is "", then the dCORSIKA files are generated from scratch. -oms option removes all particles except primaries and muons (since AMASIM will likely choke on the other particles later during production). -tr=2 option leaves only those events that have a primary and at least one muon (i.e. 2 TR lines) after applying the -oms option.

How do i perform xy or curved randomization?

How do i perform xy or curved randomization?


ucr [input] [output] -r
for xy (flat) randomization, and
ucr [input] [output] -c
for curved randomization. Detector dimensions can be supplied with the "-LENGTH=[length]", "-RADIUS=[radius]" and "-DEPTH=[depth]" options. The ratio of length/radius must match the l/d=length/2radius value of the "DETCFG" option in the INPUTS file. Value of the "-DEPTH=[depth]" option in [m] must match the value of the third argument of the "SCURV T 6.4E8 1.73E5" option in [cm] in the INPUTS file. If additionally the number of showers ("-SHOWERS=[number]") and FLUXSUM ("-FLUXSUM=[CORSIKA's value]", recorded in the HIstory lines of the dCORSIKA file) are provided, the detector lifetime of the file is also recorded into the output file.

A better way of accounting for the depth density correction (35 m) is to specify it with the "-DCORR=[correction]" option at the xy or curved randomization step. This is a more precise method than that specified in the dCORSIKA update report. It also allows to use the same dCORSIKA files for both density-corrected and standard detector depths.

Some other question

What if i have a question that is not answered here?

You are encouraged to read the User's Guide and Physics Description from the official CORSIKA homepage. Many of the dCORSIKA features are explained in our ICRC paper and the dCORSIKA update report. INPUTS file options are commented, so look there. Run "ucr --help" to list ucr options. If you still have the question, email it to me.