The latest version of dCORSIKA is available here.

The older analysis page is here. The dCORSIKA homepage has moved here.

The complete software package of CORSIKA with all changes, compile and run scripts, and configuration files that was used in the following sections is provided here.

The following section describes the work performed to compare the air shower CORSIKA-based simulation developed at Berkeley/in Wuppertal with that developed in Zeuton.

The file with 1e+7 primaries was generated on 35 PII processors in about 6 hours. The default cmz compilation option VOLUMECORR was replaced with VOLUMEDET (in the compilation script, the following is some entries of the INPUTS file:

NSHOW   10000000                       number of showers to generate
ERANGE  800  1.E7                      energy range of primary particle
THETAP  0.  89.                        range of zenith angle (degree)
PHIP    0.  360.                       range of azimuth angle (degree)
OBSLEV  2834.E2                        observation level (in cm)
ELMFLG  T  F                           em. interaction flags (NKG,EGS)
RADNKG  2.E5                           outer radius for NKG lat.dens.determ.
MAGNET  16.4  -53.4                    magnetic field south pole
HADFLG  0  1  0  1  0  2               flags hadr.interact. & fragmentation
QGSJET  T  0                           use qgsjet for high energy hadrons
QGSSIG  T                              use qgsjet hadronic cross sections
ECUTS   400 400 .003 .003              energy cuts for particles
ATMOD   13                             october atmosphere
F2000   T                              choses F2000 format
LOCUT   F                              enables skew angle cutoff
RANPRI  T                              random primary
FSEED   T                              enable random generator seed recovery
THETAP ranges between 0 and 89 degrees (and not 0 and 90) because the pre-release version of CORSIKA (5.945) that we used contains rather conservative settings of the checks on the INPUTS data and allows angles as high as 89 degrees only.

The following table shows the distribution of primaries that produced muons seen at the observation level. The third row shows the distribution of all primaries. Since the showers that did not produce secondaries were not recorded, numbers in this row are theoretical predictions.

14	3002	3003	3004	3005	3006	3007	3008	3009	3010	3011	3012	3013	3014	3015	3016	3017	3018	3019	3020	3021	3022	3023	3024	3025	3026	
144567	33107	746	35	47	1528	234	1429	29	399	46	538	49	264	12	163	11        30	19	48	11	28	20	30	71	530	
3957580	2720790	89004.2	17848.8	30245.2	420790	90034.1	615826	12789.5	184834	29931.7	321852	45651.8	299739	10528	97358	11532	33591.6	21406.6	56981.8	12215.1	46250.9	25510	53664.9	60932.5	733108
Muon multiplicity: 16061 events with 0 muons, 143020 events with 1 muon. Of all events, 200052 produced a total of 288863 muon secondaries.

Phi and theta distribution of primaries that produce secondary muons (dashed line shows only H part of those primaries). On this plot, theta distribution for primaries that produce any secondaries, not just muons is shown by a dashed line, solid being the previous result.

Phi and theta distribution of muons (dashed line represents only those muons that come from H primaries). Phi and theta distribution of only those muons that have the highest energy in the bunch. Phi and theta distribution of muons for those showers that have one secondary muon only.

Primaries: Energy distribution of all primaries that produce muons. Energy distribution of H primaries that produce muons. Energy distribution of all other primaries (other than H) that produce muons. Energy distribution of all primaries that have secondaries.

Secondaries: Energy distribution of all muons. Energy distribution of only those muons that have the highest energy in the bunch. Energy distribution of muons for those showers that have one secondary muon only.